If your hair has been steadily thinning due to hormonal changes, or you've experienced hair loss due to medications -- or for any reason -- chances are you're feeling pretty low about it. If you've tried to deal with it on your own and haven't made much (if any) progress, why not take advantage of the fresh start attitude that seems to come with every new year, and see a professional to learn what can be done to regrow or replace the hair you've lost?
Reasons For Hair Loss
It's fairly common for both men and women to experience hair loss for no apparent reason, and that may be even more frustrating -- and heartbreaking -- than knowing a reason for the change in your appearance. There are many possible reasons for thinning hair and bald spots (alopecia), including:
- hormonal imbalances such as those that occur in pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause
- physical stress (as a result of an accident or injury, surgery or a severe illness)
- emotional stress (Although ongoing emotional stress isn't as likely to cause thinning or balding as physical stress is, it can exacerbate a hair loss problem that already exists.)
- taking too much Vitamin A (more than 5,000 IU per day)
- not getting enough protein (a common problem with new vegetarians or vegans)
- aging in men can cause male pattern baldness due to a combination of genetic factors and changing hormones
- heredity (When someone in your family has had male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness, you may be more predisposed to the condition.)
- certain medications and/or therapies (Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are well-known causes of hair loss in both sexes, for example)
- anemia (due to an iron deficiency
- scalp problems like excessive dryness or oiliness
The good news is that losing hair for many of the possible reasons listed above is often a temporary condition that will reverse itself after the issue in question is resolved. (This is the case with cancer therapies, and with things like insufficient protein, iron deficiency, or too much Vitamin A, etc.)
Even if your hair loss isn't a temporary problem, there's still plenty of reason to be hopeful about the outcome when you visit a hair loss clinic for a consultation and treatment.
Get Started With Hair Professionals!
At Hair Professionals in Palm Beach, Florida, we are ready to help you solve your hair loss problems. Staffed by caring, empathetic professionals, we offer consultations and scalp assessments, and the latest state-of-the-art solutions for dealing with your hair loss, regardless of its cause.
For over two decades, our staff has been dedicated to treating clients in our Palm Beach facility, offering hope and real help to anyone living with the often devastating effects of hair loss. We offer the most advanced hair treatment options available today -- and believe us, there are more options available to you than you might think. Our treatments are always completely individualized and personal, because we understand that the hair loss problem you're concerned about is the one that's affecting you personally on so many levels. Why not start the New Year with a renewed sense of optimism, hope, and a proactive determination by contacting us for your free hair and scalp analysis? We know you'll be glad that you took that first step!