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Finding the Cause


My hair has been thinning for many months . I am considering a consultation with a specialist and I am curious as to what I should expect? Can my condition or cause actually be diagnosed?


For many hair loss sufferers, the initial loss is surprising and the cause generally unknown beyond genetics. The same applies to individuals experiencing scalp ailments as the case is often unknown, sudden and unforeseen. Treatment for such problems is often confusing to most, and in many cases seen as unnecessary.

At Hair Professionals, the cause will not be a mystery for long. As part of our Head First Hair Loss Prevention Program, we perform a hair and scalp analysis to find the cause of your hair loss or scalp ailment and put together a personalized treatment. Our Trichologist will use a capiliascope to perform the analysis. The capiliascope uses a state of the art micro camera and unique software to take close up images of your hair and scalp. This helps the Trichologist perform a complete assessment of your hair and scalp to determine the cause of hair loss or scalp problems. The software will also track your progress over a 9-12 month period and will chronicle the improvement of hair and scalp.

The complete hair and scalp analysis will not only pinpoint the root cause of your ailment, but will also provide you with information on how to prevent the ailment from reoccurring in the future. In addition, it will recommend products to ensure lasting health of your hair and scalp.

Have a question or concern you'd like to ask us about?

Drop us a quick note and recieve a personal,confidential response from Andrea Green,owner,licensed cosmetologist & Tricologist.